I'm trying ot make use of the CascadingDropdown control but I'm having trouble figuring out how to pass the parameters I need to populate the initial (top level) DropDownList
For example, I have the following DropdownLists:
I want the cascade to occur on the SubProgram.
The problem lies in populating the Program DropDownList. I need to populate it based on a couple integer values (ProducerID and ProductID).
How do I specify these values for use in the webmethod? I can't find any examples where the webmethod that populates the Parent DropDownList isn't doing some simple query like getting all makes of a car.
You can use contextKey to pass additional parameters to the webmethod that is responsible for filled the dropdownlist.
Please refer to this thread: http://forums.asp.net/p/1159991/1919729.aspx#1919729
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