Monday, March 26, 2012

CascadingDropDowns from bad to worse...

I was getting a [Method Error 500] on a DropDown and was combing through the posts trying to find a solution. I stripped my code down to two simple DropDowns with CascadingDropDown controls attached to them. I was able to get the top level control to populate correctly but was still getting the Eror 500 on my child DropDown. One of the posts I saw suggested making my Web Service methods Shared (I'm using VB). I tried that and now my original DropDown stopped populating at. The Web Service code isn't being reached at all. I tried removing the Shared designation from my methods but the problem has not gone away. I have cleared my IE cache and completely recreated the project. Still, I can't get a single DropDown to populate usnig a Cascading DropDown and a WebService.Here's my aspx markup:

Here's the code in my WebService: _ _ _ _Public Class Locations Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService Private Shared ConnString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Inventory").ToString() Private Shared SqlCN As New SqlConnection(ConnString) _ _ Public Shared Function GetLocations() As CascadingDropDownNameValue() Try Dim Ds As DataSet = GetLocationDs() Ds.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "Text ASC" Dim Values As New List(Of CascadingDropDownNameValue) For Each Dr As DataRow In Ds.Tables(0).DefaultView.Table.Rows Values.Add(New CascadingDropDownNameValue(Dr("Text").ToString(), Dr("Value").ToString())) Next Return Values.ToArray() Catch ex As Exception Dim newEx As Exception = ex Return Nothing End Try End Function Private Shared Function GetLocationDs() As DataSet Try Dim SqlCmd As SqlCommand = SqlCN.CreateCommand() Dim PTextColumn As New SqlParameter() Dim PValueColumn As New SqlParameter() Dim PTableName As New SqlParameter() Dim SqlDA As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter() Dim DropDownDS As DataSet = New DataSet() Dim I As Integer = 0 With PTextColumn .DbType = DbType.String .ParameterName = "" .Value = "Location" End With With PValueColumn .DbType = DbType.String .ParameterName = "" .Value = "Location" End With With PTableName .DbType = DbType.String .ParameterName = "" .Value = "HE_Locations" End With With SqlCmd .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure .CommandText = "usp_GetDropDownValues" .Parameters.Add(PTextColumn) .Parameters.Add(PValueColumn) .Parameters.Add(PTableName) End With SqlDA.SelectCommand = SqlCmd If SqlCN.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then SqlCN.Close() End If SqlCN.Open() SqlDA.Fill(DropDownDS, "Values") Return DropDownDS Catch ex As Exception Throw New DataException("GetDropDownValues failed.", ex) Return Nothing Finally SqlCN.Close() End Try End FunctionEnd ClassIf anyone has any ideas, I would sure like to hear them. I'm about ready to pull out my AJAX manual and roll my own. I have lost a whole day on this. Even if I get my original DropDown working I still have the ubiquitous Method Error 500 to deal with.Btw, the code in my Catch block was simply a place to put a breakpoint for debugging so I could read exception mesage if there was one. There wasn't.Thanks!

Well, that didn't come out very well, did it?

Actually, nevermind. For some reason, after using the I.E. Devloper Toolbar, scripting in I.E. was disabled. I also figured out my Method Error 500 problem. I realize now that the parameters in the method signature have to match the example exactly - even the case. I assumed that wouldn't matter since I'm using VB.


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