Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Change to invokeViaServer method

Why was the old ModalPopupBehavior.invokeViaServer method changed to remove the section that deals with the partial page update? I was using that method, and now that I'm migrating to the new code base .. I'm just a little confused.

Also, has anyone explained publically why getDescriptors is now gone?

getDescriptors is gone because the ASP.NET AJAX Beta (referred to as "Core") no longer supports TypeDescriptor. That stuff was mostly there to support XML Script, so it was no longer needed.

For the invokeViaServer stuff, much of that code shouldn't be needed anymore. I didn't do the work on that component so I'm not completely sure (David did the work and he's out of the office this week) if it's critical or not. Try it as is and report back if it's not doing the right thing. The way that components get called after a partial update has changed, it may address this scenario.

Oh, so .. was XML Script scraped? So many breaking changes for developers .. ^_^ Yea, I was using the invokeViaServer method for a few controls of mine, and was curious about the change while I was trying to migrate from the last CTP to the Beta. With so many changes, it's hard to tell. You can't see the list of check-in notes *easily* on the Codeplex site, which is where some of the documentation is going.

Even if you could, it probably wouldn't help. The number of checkins associated with the migration was well into the hundreds I'm sure (basically 3-6 people working 12+ hours a day for 2.5 weeks...) so it would be hard to pick things out.

Your better bet is to check out the migration materials on and my blog entry(s) on the subject at

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