Monday, March 26, 2012

Change a Label with HoverMenuExtender


I am using the AJAXHoverMenuExtender and it works great with panels. But I want theHoverMenuExtender1 to update a Label1 with new text andHoverMenuExtender2 to update same Label1 with another text?

Best Regards



Is not clear what you want. Do you have a control inside your hoverMenu that should trigger an update to the labels or do you need your labels updated when the HoverMenu "pops-up"?


Sorry to be to short!

I want a Label outside the hovermenu to be updated when the hovermenu is trigged; so I don′t want a "hovering" text over the control that is triggering.

My web:
On the left side of the screen I have a lot of controls that I want the hovermenutriggering on (a mouseoverfunction).

On the right side of the screen I have explanation text of what every control (on the left) side do:
So when the user "hovers" over every control on the left side, the explantion text changes, and when no hovering is trigged the original text schould come back.

Hope I am much more clear! :)


Hi, Staffan,

Is not clear yet what you want.

Is your lable in a updatepanel? Is the text of the lable populated with data from a database in a Asynpostback triggered by the hovermunu items?

Is the lable in the popup panel of the hovermunu?

Assuming that your lable is in an updatepanel,you can set a hidden button as an Asynpostback trigger of the Updatepanel. Then in the client mouseover events of your hovermunu items,you can fire the click event of the hidden button.In this condition,you should send the ID of the hovermenu item you clicked to the click event of the hidden button.

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