Monday, March 26, 2012

Cascasding drop down - Error 500

I am playing with the cascading drop down control...
i have written a method to get data from sql 05 database and return andarray of CascadingDropDownNameValue. (i watched one of the how towebcasts on it)....anyway, i can get it to work else where but forsome reason its not working with this one.
I know the method is returning the right data as i have another methodwhich returns all values in a string[] i then dump on the screen andall is ok.
My CCD declaration.









My method...


publicCascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetCoursesByIdClass(string knownCategoryValues,string category)


// Get connection string from web.config

string dsn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connCleo"].ConnectionString;

string[] categoryValues = knownCategoryValues.Split(':',';');

int idClass =Convert.ToInt32(categoryValues[1]);

// SQL script

string sql"SELECT c.idCourse, c.chrName FROM cleo.Course c

JOIN cleo.CourseAssign ca ONca.idCourse=c.idCourse


ORDER BY c.chrName";

// Generic list for collection

List<CascadingDropDownNameValue> cascadeCollection =newList<CascadingDropDownNameValue>();

// Open connection and execute command...loop through reader and add items to list.

using(SqlConnection conn =newSqlConnection(dsn))

using (SqlCommand cmd =newSqlCommand(sql, conn))


cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", idClass);


using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())


while (reader.Read())


cascadeCollection.Add(newCascadingDropDownNameValue(reader.GetString(1), reader[0].ToString()));




// return collection as an array.

return cascadeCollection.ToArray();


I dont know of anyway i can debugthis to see if i am infact getting the correct values back(not surewhat values i need to pass to the method to mimic the call from thetoolkit.)?

Hopefully someone can see where i am going wrong.??


OK, so i am pulling my hair out and have no idea where to look for help other than here.

I have put the same code in another project and it works fine.

The only difference that i can see is the version of the Atlas and Toolkit dll.

The date stamp on the one that works is 04/05/2006
The one that doesnt work is 27/06/2006

So begs the question....what has changed in the June CTP that stops my service from working?

Any ideas?

Again...the brick wall.
I added in the new CTP dll's to my project that works and it still works.

If i add the old dll's into my not working project...i dont get error 500, but i do get a popup error when trying to change the selection of parent ddl...(eventvalidation error) and no, nothing is bound to the Drop down.



sorted it!!!!

I was missing stuff from the web.config file !!!

Well thats two hours of my life gone!!!

Steve error now. i seem to be speaking to myself here but if anyone does join in maybe they can help.

The drop down is not binding fine...problem is when i try and postback (with button) i get a postback validation error (there are a few posts on here with no clear answer, none regarding the CDD control though)...anyway, so i turn of validation and the value in the second drop down list has should be an number (as id for the text on display...nothing odd there).

I have tried

protectedoverridevoid Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)

but this has no affect.


i was a touch hasty with my previous post...there is a value in the selectedvalue property....however i was checked that selectedindex > 0...even though it was, it wasnt (if that makes sense - the debugger says 0)...however i got round this withstring.IsNullOrEmpty(ddl.SelectedValue)

But now i have to have eventvalidation off.

What are the implications of this...surely this isnt correct? I must be able to have it turned on...not sure what i does but feel like i'm missing out!!!!!!



Seee #20

Event Validation just makes sure the values you posted from your dropdown are valid values you populated it with. But seeing as the cascading dropdown populates from script, this wont/cant work and if you need to, validate the values on the server (its a security thing)

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