Saturday, March 24, 2012

CascadingDropDown without WebServices

one of the new thing in the new release is that:

"CascadingDropDown can now call PageMethod as well as web services (Just leave the ServicePath property blank)"

is it possible to add an example so I can start, please...

I have all in a Class, and it work fine but I wonder if I can do this without postback's

the country dd is populate from a Class function called
getAllCountries( ByVal dd as DropDownList )

the Offices are populate almost the same
getAllOfficesFromCountry( ByVal dd as DropDownList, ByVal country as String )

How can I ask for this functions and send it the parameters in the new CascadingDropDown?

Hi Bruno,

The newest version of the Toolkit includes an example of doing this in the CascadingDropDown.aspx file of the sample website. You'll notice that there are three Cascading DropDowns on the page and the first calls a page method while the second two call a webservice.


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